User Groups

The User Groups page can be accessed by clicking on the Profile icon then selecting Account.

New Group

User groups allow you to group and assign permissions to a set of users. You need to first create a user group before you can assign users to that group. Once the group is created, you need to go to the Users page to assign users to the new group.

Default Group

A user group can also be designated as a default group. All new users will be automatically assigned to the user group marked as "Default Group". You can only have 1 default group at a time.

Reports Permission

The ability to generate excel reports can be set per user group. The Reports page can be accessed if a user group has the permission enabled.

Billing Admin

The ability to generate excel reports based on billing data can be set per user group. The Billing Admin page can be accessed if a user group has the permission enabled.


By default a new user group will have the permissions set to view and edit all patient data. You can choose to limit which user groups can view or edit patient data based on certain fields that exist in your group.

Delete User Group

If a user group is deleted and has users assigned to that specific group. Those users will no longer have access to patient data and need to be assigned to a different user group.